
There is a great quote by Ralph Marston: “Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude”.

I think true professionalism is the love for what you do. I became the owner of Kropotkinsky brewery in 2005. At that time, the company was in shambles after the "perestroika" in the 90-ies – a series of owner changes, bankruptcy. However, I saw and understood the uniqueness of our product.

Kropotkinsky brewery is a manufacturer of real "live" beer free of additives, preservatives and flavour intensifiers. It is difficult to imagine in today's context but we do adhere to the same traditions of brewing as 114 years ago. There is something of family in this. It inspires me.

Khomenkov Mikhail

In cooperation with our partners (Danish company Holvrieka) the plant was upgraded in the best traditions of classical school of brewers using the cutting-edge European equipment. Strict quality control is carried out at all stages of production starting with water production (we have our own 520m deep artesian well), procurement of natural raw materials in Europe and ending with filling. We managed to gather a team of true professionals sharing the philosophy of our company, respecting the traditions and loving their work.

Our company actively develop increasing production capacities, opening new retails in those regions of Russia where our production isn't presented yet so as many as possible people know and appreciate the highest quality of our beer. The awards at the international forums of brewers confirm that we are able to create a unique high-quality product preserving the honoured traditions of brewing.

Sincerely, Khomenkov Mikhail

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